Cemetery Services
Holy Savior Catholic Cemetery
Gibsonia (724) 625-3822
- Cemetery burial space for children provided (no charge)
- Opening and closing for burial (no charge)
Funeral Home Services
McDonald-Aeberli Funeral Home / Mars Cemetery
238 Crowe Avenue
Mars, PA 16046
(724) 625-2900
- Acceptance and transport of fetal remains from hospital (no charge)
- Preparation for burial – vault/vessel provided (no charge)
- Cemetery burial space for children provided (no charge)
- Opening and closing for burial (no charge)
Schellhaas Funeral Home & Cremation Service
5864 Heckert Road
Bakerstown, Pennsylvania 15007
(724) 443-1505
- Acceptance and transport of fetal remains from hospital (no charge)
- Preparation for burial – vault/vessel provided (no charge)
Committal Service
Saint Mark parish will have a deacon present to conduct a graveside Committal Service. Prayers will be offered from the Funeral Rites for Children, as found in the Order of Christian Funerals (OCF) – the book which contains all Catholic funeral rites. The Funeral Rite for Children includes special prayers for children who died without baptism.